While proud of all the things we created for the wedding (and it was indeed a family affair), the subject of this post is the Chuppah. In traditional Jewish weddings, the couple gets married under a canopy, which can be made of many things, and sometimes is made of whatever's handy (even a table cloth or sheet). I decided, of course, to make our Chuppa.
The main colors for the wedding were black, blue and silver and I knew I wanted something that looked dynamic, and somewhat unpredictable.
I'd been wanting to learn how to do Crazy Quilts for years, and have always been quite intimidated by them. A true Crazy Quilt is a piece with little or no organization, made up of bits and pieces of many different things (fabric, feathers, yarn, buttons, lace) over years of accumulation. This was too scary for me. Instead I found a pattern for a faux Crazy Quilt. It's got an organization, once you know what you're looking for, though the craziness still comes out in the lack of figuring out the fabrics ahead of time.
Here is the finished Chuppah:
Here's a close up:
I enjoyed making this, much more than I thought I would, and I think I got the hang of Crazy Quilts. I may even be ready for the real thing, at some point.