Friday, October 29, 2010

Monsters Vs. Aliens

Last week I finished a quick baby quilt for a coworker. This is her first child, a boy, and she is nervous about it even as she's very excited. I wanted to giver her something colorful and lively. I don't do very well with traditional boy/girl colors so I had to think of something that would suit her, and also be fun for me to work on. I came up with this:

The pattern is alternating four patches with s simple square. The fabrics, close up, look like this:

And hence the title, Monsters Vs. Aliens.
I just love the crazy monsters. I suppose you can tell this from the fact that the larger squares are the monster fabric rather than the aliens or yellow fabric. I saw this fabric at the store a while back and had to get it, even though I did not have any project in mind for it at the time.
I'm happy I found a project for it, and a home for the quilt. And just in time: the baby's due in 3 weeks and the Mama's been having braxton contractions all week!

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