Thursday, November 18, 2010

A new baby quilt

A few weeks ago I finished a scrappy quilt in yellows and reds. It was designed for my newest cousin/niece (my cousin's daughter), who was born 8 weeks ago. I didn't want to post about it until I'd presented it to the Momma, but I did so tonight (and she loved it) and so here's a picture.
Flowers for Hadas:

It's the same Pattern as a quilt I made for another baby, Audrey, and about which I posted already.

Ducking Around with Audrey:

I was amazed by how wonderfully different they look with the different color palettes. In both of them the strips are from my stash, and I enjoyed the opportunity to use up different colors.

As always, it's so gratifying to me to see how fabrics continue to find their way into project after project, and how each project is sort of continued into the subsequent ones. In both of these I was able to incorporate fabrics from earlier quilts, and clothes I'd made for kids, and Halloween costumes. I was able to incorporate fabrics I was gifted over the years as well as fabric I'd bought.

I find this aspect of quilting both reflective and creative, looking back and forward at the same time.

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